Dekor lav

Attachment proceedings

We can secure claims that are not paid voluntarily by deciding to implement deductions from income or place attachments on assets in attachment proceedings.

During the attachment proceedings, we decide whether to collect your debt by placing attachments on assets or property, deductions from your income, or both.

Mark on your credit record

Attachment proceedings will be registered as a mark on your credit record. A mark on your credit record will make it difficult to get new loans, credits and subscriptions, such as phone subscriptions.

You must pay the entire claim for the mark on your credit record to be deleted.

You can stop the attachment proceedings by paying

You can stop the attachment proceedings by paying the entire amount, including interest and costs. The payment must be registered in our systems before the planned date of the attachment proceedings.  

Usually, you’ll be notified well in advance about how and when we’ll conduct the attachment proceedings, to give you a chance to pay the claim.   

If you pay the day before or the day of the attachment proceedings, you must contact us so that we can explain how you can forward or show us proof of the payment. 

If you’re unable to pay now

If you've received a notification of attachment proceedings and you're unable to pay, you should provide us with updated information about your financial circumstances (income and expenses). If not, you risk that the deductions from your salary or benefits are too high. 

If you do not have enough money left to cover the necessary cost of living expenses, we will not start making deductions from your income.

You do not need to be present

All attachment proceedings are held in our offices or at the offices of the enforcement officer (namsmannen), depending on the case. You do not need to be present, but you’ll receive a letter describing the outcome.


If you owe money to the state, you are responsible for your own debt. We cannot start deducting money from your cohabiting partner's or spouse's income. 

Nor can we place attachments on their share of a property, only on the part you own. If you're considering taking out a new loan or refinancing a loan, it may become harder for you if there are attachments on parts of your residential property. 

Once the attachment proceedings have been held, our decision may have the following consequences for you: 

  • We will make deductions from your income   
    Every month, a set amount will be deducted by your employer or NAV. 
  • We will place attachment liens 
    This means placing attachments on your belongings (assets), for example, on real property, bank accounts, or securities. We may then request a forced sale of the asset subject to the attachment. If we place an attachment on a bank account, the account will be blocked for the relevant amount.