Dekor lav

Payment agreements for permanently transferred student loans

If you make no payments nor apply for payment relief for three years, your loan may be permanently transferred to us. This means we will take over the work of collecting the student loan, and you only deal with us. 

You'll lose your rights with Lånekassen

When Lånekassen terminates the student loan and we take over permanently, you'll lose the rights and benefits you had with Lånekassen. In addition, interest on overdue payment will start accruing on your full debt. 

Paying in instalments 

Call us if you want to split the claim into instalments. 

Please note that if the monthly amount is less than the interest on overdue payment, you will not be paying off the actual student loan. 

Deferring the payment 

If the student loan is permanently transferred to us, you can no longer apply to defer the payment. 

You'll receive an annual statement by 15 February 

The annual statement has information about the whole year, the balance as at 31 December and the interest you've paid.